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Clitheroe V Macclesfield

Clitheroe V Macclesfield

Lee Roe12 Dec 2022 - 22:05
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This weekends home game - 17th December 2022

After tonights Board meeting it was discussed that there is a high possibility this weekends fixture with Macclesfield will not be taking place, this is due to the weather and its effect on the pitch. The weather forecast is for this cold snap to remain over the majority of Lancashire , with slight respite midweek and then sub zero towards the weekend. With some areas of the pitch not even having seen sunshine in the last 7 days, it means that it would not defrost at all intime for the proposed match.

We have scheduled a referee to inspect at 10.30am on Staurday, if this can be brought forward it will be, and updates will be announced as soon as possible.

Further reading